Welcome to Olsen Park church of Christ.
Our Preachers
In the New Testament, Paul addresses three epistles to men preaching the gospel. These men, called "evangelists" (one who brings good news) are charged to "Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching" (2 Timothy 4:2). Olsen Park supports a man to work with the congregation in carrying out this responsibilityopen bible
Preacher Training Program
In July of 2008 Olsen Park began a two year preacher training program. This program involves an intensive study regiment and graduated teaching and preaching opportunities for the starting evangelist. The preacher works closely with brother Pope and the leadership of the congregation to help prepare himself for full-time work with a congregation. Read the Syllabus & Curriculum.
Brother Curtis Carwile was our first preacher to work with us in the program July 2008-July 2010. From June of 2010 brother Jason Garcia became the second young preacher to work with us through June of 2012. In June of 2013 brother Andrew Dow began working with us as our third young preacher in this program and left to begin full-time work in June of 2015.open bible
Austin Byers
Austin Byers
Kyle Pope
Kyle Pope
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